Nos felicitamos por la incorporación de dos más de nuestros jugadores a uno de los clubes más históricos y poderosos de Chipre, el Olimpiakós de Nicosia.
Allí disputarán su profesión, nuestros jugadores SALVADOR DE LA CRUZ "Salva", un portero formado en las canteras de Valencia y el Villarreal y que el año pasado fue una de las piezas claves del Oxford City CF en Inglaterra. Un portero ágil bajo palos, con excelente juego de pies, seguro y regular en sus actuaciones.
También ficha, JOSÉ FRANCO "Regino" un pivote defensivo, central y lateral derecho que aportará músculo, piernas y valor intangible a la plantilla verde.
Regino se formó en las canteras del Sevilla FC y Betis. Una inoportuna lesión le impidió su sueño de debutar en primera división de la mano de Caparrós y después de su recuperación trasladó su fútbol fuera de España, primero a la Premier de Tailandia con el BEC TERO SASANA y el año anterior al FA KEDAH de Malasia donde no pudo acabar la temporada debido a una lesión de su hombro derecho.
Les deseamos lo mejor desde SARBON FOOTBALL AGENCY
We welcome the signing of two more of our players to one of the most historic and powerful clubs of Cyprus, Olympiakos Nicosia.In Nicosia, will play their profession, our players SALVADOR DE LA CRUZ "Salva" a
keeper formed in the quarries of Valencia and Villarreal having been last year one of the key pieces of Oxford City CF in England. An agile goalkeeper in goal, with excellent footwork, safe and regular in his performances.
The other signing is JOSE FRANCO "Regino" A defensive midfielder, center and right side who will provide muscle, legs and intangible value to the green warriors.Regino was formed in the quarries of FC Sevilla and Betis. An inopportune injury prevented his dream of playing in the first division under head coach Caparros and after recovery moved its football outside Spain, first to the Premier of Thailand with BEC Tero Sasana and last year to FA Kedah Malaysia where he could not finish the season due to an injury to his right shoulder.
We wish them well from Sarbon FOOTBALL AGENCY
The other signing is JOSE FRANCO "Regino" A defensive midfielder, center and right side who will provide muscle, legs and intangible value to the green warriors.Regino was formed in the quarries of FC Sevilla and Betis. An inopportune injury prevented his dream of playing in the first division under head coach Caparros and after recovery moved its football outside Spain, first to the Premier of Thailand with BEC Tero Sasana and last year to FA Kedah Malaysia where he could not finish the season due to an injury to his right shoulder.
We wish them well from Sarbon FOOTBALL AGENCY
#sarbonfootballagency, #regino, #salvadelacruz, #futbolchipre,
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